In media: Svenska YLE newspaper and Radio, Dec 2024
Rehoisting the philosophy of education and eradicating hierarchical thinking in Academia: awareness of institution as an ecosystem
-” If education does not translate into values needed for humanity and does not lead to cooperation and compassion for one another, then we must ask ourselves if this form of education is really beneficial to the world.”

Poster explicating problems jeopardizing the current world of science
Mental Health Awareness campaign, 500womenscientists, 2022.
Conceived and executed by Rakenduvadhana
Dr. Svetlana Sharifulina: neuroscientist and physicist, CEO AiLobe, and editor in Journal for Reproducibility in Neuroscience
Dr Heather Slinn: Microbial ecologist, senior plant scientist
Dr Rosie Dutt, Assistant instructional Professor and neuroscientist
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, 2022, Virtual seminar.
Conceived, organized and presented by Rakenduvadhana
Dr. Eva Ruusuvuori
Dr. Svetlana Sharifulina
Prof/Dr. Jaspreet Kaur
Dr. Katarzyna Terejko
Dr. Santoshi Biswanath
Rakenduvadhana Srinivasan